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SAM is a payment method by which we can pay. In this section, we can do some general settings for the SAM payment method of the ScanEZ application. Let’s discuss this section in detail.

📘 Configuration

A step-by-step guide for the configuration of the SAM payment method:


Enter the address.

Customer ID

Enter the customer ID.

Customer Name

Enter the customer’s name.

Terminal ID

Enter the terminal ID.

Payment Type

From this dropdown, we can select any payment type. We have the following options:

  • Cash

  • Check

  • Credit

  • SAM

Reason code

Enter the reason code.


Enter the data.

Card Number Digit

We can set the limit to the number of digits of a card that we can accept.

Show Card number input

Enable or disable the visibility of the card number while entering.

User Name

Enter the username.


Enter the password.

Enter PIN

From this dropdown, we can enable or disable PIN.

PIN type

We can select whether the PIN will be numeric or alpha-numeric from this dropdown.

Back and Save button

We can save our settings using the “Save” button.

We can go back to our home page using the “Back” button.

Please do not change any settings unless advised.

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