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In this section, we can configure color format settings for the ScanEZ application. The scan color options for features can be chosen here. Let’s discuss this section in detail.

In this section, we have 3 color format options:

  1. B&W (Black and white).

  2. Greyscale.

  3. Color.

All these three color formats are available for all the services except the Restore service. All the available services are listed here: List of all available services

📘 Configuration

A step-by-step guide for the configuration of this section:

Manual Format Selection

For each service, there are 3 formats available(not for all). We can check the checkbox of the color format which we want to include. The unchecked color format will not be available on the scan setting page.

Default Format Selection

For each service, there are 3 formats available(not for all). We can select the default format which will be auto-selected on the scan setting page. We can change this color format on the scan setting page.

For the Restore service, only one format is available .i.e “Color”.

Back and Save button

We can save our settings using the “Save” button.

We can go back to our home page using the “Back” button.

Please do not change any settings unless advised.

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