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In this section, we will configure/modify the FAX service settings of the ScanEZ application. Let’s discuss this section in detail.

Here we can configure/modify each setting of the FAX service.

In this section, there are 3 pages:

We will see each page in detail in the FAX | \uD83D\uDCD8-Configuration section.

📘 Configuration

A step-by-step guide for the configuration of FAX service:

Page 1


Here we have to enter the username.


Enter the password.

High Resolution

Here we can select our resolution quality.


Here we can enter the resolution manually.

Color mode

Here we can select color mode. We get two options here: Grayscale and Blackwhite.

Area code

We can enter the area code manually.

Restricted area code

Here we can enter the area code which we want to restrict. We will not be able to send FAX to the entered area codes.


The sender of FAX.


FAX number of scan station.


Email address of scan station.

FAX Vendor

Here we have two options to select: 1. sax 2. Interfax.

International FAX

Here we can enable and disable international fax.

Cover page

Here we can enable or disable the cover page.

Page 2

Default confirmation

Here we can configure confirmation of fax. Here we have the following options 1. Email, 2. No confirmation, 3. Print.

No confirmation

Here we can enable and disable confirmation.

Email confirmation

Here we can enable and disable confirmation.

Print confirmation

Here we can enable and disable confirmation.

FAX status checking

Here we can enable and disable confirmation.

Timeout per page(second)

Here we can configure timeout.

Confirmation Email Message

Here we can enter the message which will be sent in the email.

Confirmation Print message

Here we can enter the message which will be printed on the screen.

Page 3


Here all the area codes of the USA are added.


Here all the area codes of CANADA are added.

Back and Save button

We can save our settings using the “Save” button.

We can go back to our home page using the “Back” button.

Please do not change any settings unless advised.

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