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Troubleshooting Abbyy License

In this section, we will discuss how to troubleshoot an Abbyy License.

  • If a ‘Runtime custom’ License is present by default, you need to deactivate it before activating a ‘Runtime Professional’ license(otherwise it will not work).
    This is an example of a ‘Runtime custom’ license.


  • Following are the steps to deactivate this ‘Runtime License’:

  • Navigate to the c:\ProgramData\ABBYY\SDK\11\Licenses directory, and find the file that have this serial number in its name.

  • Now either remove this file, or move it somewhere else.

  • After this, restart the licensing service from Windows -> Services. 
    The ‘Runtime custom’ license has now been deactivate and now you can activate your Runtime Professional license by following the steps mentioned in Activation of Abbyy License document.

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